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by Neal Joseph

In this three-part series, we’re going to take a look at the implications of working remotely on an organization.

Five Potential Benefits of Working from Home

  1. Increased Productivity and Decreased Distractions—We’re all aware that workplace distractions like workers “shooting the breeze,” loud co-workers, and impromptu meetings inhibit employees from being as productive as they could be. So, it’s probably no surprise that 65% of employees surveyed in a recent study by SurePayroll agreed that working remotely increases productivity. Minimizing or eliminating the distractions that occur around them can give a sense of comfort and allow employees to focus solely on working more productively.

  2. Increased Morale and Decreased Stress—Allowing your employees some personal freedoms can increase their positive association with your company. Who likes the idea of being rushed in the early morning to get up, get somewhere, and get started??? Between rush hour traffic and the constant stream of “to do” tasks flooding in, it’s no surprise that employees often associate the office with stress.

  3. Lower Costs—If your employees aren’t working in the office, they don’t need a desk or chair. It can save money on little things too, like buying less coffee and snacks for the break room. The biggest potential savings? Less employees working in office means you won’t need as big of a space to house all of them. And also keep in mind that not having to drive to work every day saves costs for the employee as well (fuel, dining out, car maintenance, clothing, childcare, etc.).

  4. Attracting Younger Employees and Retaining Older Ones—Some would say, particularly in the Millennial generation and younger, that they see the opportunity to work remotely as the future of business. Younger employees consistently advocate for a modernized workplace environment with less restrictions, and according to the AARP, even older workersfeel they can benefit from a more flexible work environment.

  5. Helpful for the Environment—As good stewards of the planet that God has entrusted to us, working remotely cuts down on the amount of fuel used and emissions emitted while driving to and from the office every day, reducing the carbon footprint. It can also lessen the amount of waste produced, including paper products and fast-food containers.

In our next posting, I’ll point out the risks…

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